TAG! Here's another tag - this time the Winter Tag. I would love to hear your answers, comment them below :) What are some of your favourites for winter?
1. Do you like the cold?
Yes, I think everyone complains when we have the sudden change from summer to autumn briefly then to winter suddenly however I do prefer winter to summer.
2. Favourite part of winter?
Winter means cold. Cold means getting out those warm sweaters and cosy jumpers which I love to wear. In general I love the things associate with winter, including christmas and the things below:
3. Favourite winter drink?
I am loving gingerbread or spiced lattes at the moment.
4. Favourite winter food/treat?
Every winter I love having apple/fruit crumble warm with custard! Mmmmm.... ;)
5. Top 3 fashion winter essentials?
A good winter coat
Gloves (my hands get freezing)
A pair of cosy thick socks (I'm the type of person that always wearing socks)
6. Top 3 beauty essentials?
A product which adds/maintains moisture in you skin as it gets dry in the change of temp
Lip balm is a must for those dry lips
Makeupwise a warm blush/bronzer
7. Thoughts on ice skating?
I love the idea and love the rinks everywhere as they make it look so pretty but unfortunately I am so bad at it, I can barely stand on the ice so I've only tried once.
8. Favourite Christmas decoration this year?
Just in general a well decorated Christmas tree with lights can look so stunning and really puts you in the festive happy mood.
9. What's at the top of your wish list this year?
This year I have two things I really want: as I have been working on my fitness and living healthier I want a Nurtibullet and a pair of Nike Roshe Runs. (See my 'Christmas Wish List' blog post for more)
10. Your dream way to spend Christmas day?
I would love to go on a skiing holiday with good friends. The idea of skiing (which I probably can't do), warm fire, hot chocolates and a white Christmas with guaranteed snow is so perfect.
11.Anything fun planned for winter?
For Christmas I always go on holiday and will be this year... I can't wait to travel as I love to explore new places (which I mentioned a lot on twitter, follow me @rhedhillon)

What is your dream way to spend Christmas? How do you normally spend Christmas, home or away?
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