Paris, The City of Lights! I have been to Paris before, once on a trip to Disneyland when I was little and once again a few years ago into the actual city. I thought I will still mention it in this 'series' of where I would like to visit as I still would love to go again... and again and again!
When I went a few years ago, it's one of the places I knew I would love but when I got there it was even more amazing! I have blogged my travel pictures from that trip where I speak more about it:
For me I would mention the must things to see are attractions like The Lourve...

...and the Effiel Tower of course.
Definitely don't go without go up the Tower to see the views from the top.

I found so many similarities to London but the Parisan culture has its differences with their whole lifestyle being much more relaxed and fashion style which I love.
Have you been to Paris? What's your favourite memory from their?
*All images taken by me ;)
NEXT: Venice, Italy
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